Friday, February 25, 2011

the waiting-fallen angel

On the window
Waiting the night to fall
The wind blew breaths so feverish and dull
The night so gloomy
So dark and frail
A soft, smooth whisper blew into my ear

My dear arrived
Not a minute late
For hence I quivered
But still I wait
Cause deep in me
I know he won't bail
My love for you is strong and great
A thing or two
I could never betray

Soft kisses flew on my cheeks
I felt his love for me is meek
Meek yet one
Which last a lifetime
A love of sorrow, sacrifice and guilt
Of which I suffer but can not resist

The night grew warm and crest
In his arms I lie safely
In his eyes I drown
In his lips I flew
I drew my head closer to his
Before i knew
A spark of starlight
Everything disappeared

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